A Fire to Flourish Event

National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Summit

This event is hosted by Monash University's Fire to Flourish and proudly supported by AIDR, Bigibilla, NSW Environment Protection Agency, Jagun Alliance and Natural Hazards Research Australia. 

About the Summit 

The National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Summit will bring together Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers, emergency management practitioners, and agency heads, to build awareness, share new thinking, and network, beginning the long-overdue conversation between and about Indigenous peoples disaster resilience.

Climate change, including the natural hazards it produces, constitute significant and unique risks for Indigenous peoples. Yet as it stands, disaster response in Australia has not sufficiently taken Indigenous peoples’ distinct needs, nor strengths, into account. As traditional owners and custodians of Australia’s lands and waters, Indigenous peoples must be leading agents in enhancing the resilience of both their lands Country and communities.

The National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Summit will connect Indigenous stakeholders with leading non-Indigenous partners, organisations, agencies, and researchers. It will explore key issues arising from Indigenous disaster responses and identify viable pathways to strengthen disaster response in Indigenous contexts. The Summit provides a unique opportunity to create and support an Indigenous-led conversation on disaster resilience.

The National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Summit is an opportunity to develop:

  • New relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, peak organisations, researchers and disaster resilience organisations and emergency management agencies
  • An Indigenous disaster resilience community of practice
  • Better understanding of the needs of Indigenous people’s unique needs and strengths in disaster responses
  • Improved understanding of the need for investment in Indigenous community resilience
  • Awareness of past, current, and future possibilities for work and research in this space.

Registration information

The National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Summit will be hosted in Brisbane, Monday 21 August 2023. 


The Summit is a unique opportunity for Indigenous community leaders, organisations, agency staff, researchers, and more, to share experiences from recent events and shine a light on best practice responses. The Summit presents a unique opportunity to connect Indigenous people with key non-Indigenous stakeholders including resilience organisations, agency staff, researchers, and government, to connect, learn, and identify ways to strengthen their common work.


Victoria Park
309 Herston Road
Herston QLD 4006


8.30am-5.00pm | Summit program

5.00pm-6.30pm | Networking function


$100.00 incl. GST

In-person only event



Summit program


Time Session  
8.30 am Guest arrival
8.45 am Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country

Briony Rogers, CEO, Fire to Flourish


Keynote address: international perspectives on Indigenous disaster resilience
Emily Campbell, Pou Whakamahere Kaupapa Here (Tikanga Māori Planner), Hutt City Council
Associate Professor Denise Blake, Director, Whakahāngai Mātai Hinengaro Hauora, Victoria University


Panel: In conversation with Emily and Denise


Indigenous disaster resilience: an introduction 
Bhiamie Williamson, Project Lead, National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Project

10.30am  Morning tea
11.00am Reflections from the 2019-20 Bushfires: East Gippsland
Tammy Bundle, Former CEO Moogji Aboriginal Council East Gippsland
Chris Beal, CEO Moogji Aboriginal Council East Gippsland

Reflections from the 2023 Floods: Gulf of Carpentaria
Rachel Amini-Yanner, CEO, Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
Murrandoo Yanner Jr., Gangalidda & Garawa Land and Sea Indigenous Rangers, Moungibi (Bourketown)
Kevin Anderson, CLCAC NRM Support Officer and QLD Rural Fire Service Volunteer member

12.10pm Panel: In conversation with Tammy, Chris, Rachel, Murrandoo and Kevin

Group activity: a National Framework for Indigenous Disaster Resilience
Facilitator: Bhiamie Williamson

1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm Reflection: key messages from group activity

Australian Red Cross First Nations Recovery Network
Sam Savage, Northern Queensland Emergency Services Regional Coordinator, Australian Red Cross


Community granting and co-design
Aunty Helen Duroux, Community Lead, Fire to Flourish


Aboriginal Communities Emergency Management Program
Jasmin Speedy, Senior Project Officer, Aboriginal Affairs NSW


Aboriginal culture and healing
Sam Kirby, Aboriginal Culture and Healing Manager, Northeast Region Emergency Recovery Victoria


Panel: In conversation with Sam, Aunty Helen, Jasmin and Sam

3.30pm  Afternoon tea

Creating resilient landscapes through Caring for Country
Amba-Rose Atkinson, PhD Candidate, Poche Centre for Indigenous Health
Oliver Costello, Director, Jaguan Alliance


Panel: In conversation with Amba-Rose and Oliver


Group discussion: a community of practice or recurring event? 


Margaret Moreton, Executive Director, Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience


Networking function


Event concludes



Partners and sponsors

National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Summit is hosted by Fire to Flourish and is proudly supported by: