
Building resilience at breakfast seminar

Business executives recently met with disaster-risk experts to discuss building resilience in Victoria's critical infrastructure.

Planning and building resilience for the future was the key focus of a recent breakfast seminar, which connected business executives and disaster-risk experts in Melbourne.

Director of Engagement and Projects, Amanda Lamont was invited as a guest panelist at corporate2community and Terra Firma’s joint event held on 3 April. The event provided practical examples of how business continuity and corporate social responsibility must collectively evolve to create a more disaster resilient Victorian community.

Amanda was joined by Saul Midler, Business Continuity and Resilience Executive; Renae Hanvin, Director and Founder of coporate2community; Jennifer Wolcott from Emergency Management Victoria and Dr Robert Glasser, who is a Visiting Fellow at the Australian Strategic Policy Unit (ASPI), the Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction.

Dr Glasser will also feature as a keynote speaker at the Australian Disaster Resilience Conference in Melbourne from 28-29 August, speaking about his 30 years of experience as a practitioner, advocate and policymaker in the areas of climate change, sustainable development and disaster risk.

The event also brought together some new faces in the resilience space to initiate discussions around future disruptions to critical services in compounding and cascading disaster events and the opportunities for organisational resilience to contribute to the broader resilience of communities.