
Major Incidents Report 2020-21 under development

AIDR has commenced development of the Major Incidents Report 2020-21, with COVID-19 and La Nina emerging as key influences on events.

This fifth edition of the report will address the impact of COVID-19 on the ability for emergency management personnel to work in their state and across the nation when required.

It will also present La Nina as the climate phenomena that delivered above average rainfall and erratic weather conditions across many parts of eastern Australia and other locations through periods of 20/21.

The Major Incidents Report summarises major incidents from across Australia with background information about each incident, the impact, the response to it and, where identified, observations to assist the emergency management and disaster resilience sectors identify key themes for improvement in practice at a national level, across all hazards and jurisdictions.

A Steering Committee of key stakeholders from the emergency management sector has convened to provide governance oversight of the report process.