Understanding community preparedness and response survey
The two surveys relate to Tropical Cyclone Jasper and the major flood event in late December 2023, and Tropical Cyclone Kirrily in January 2024. The surveys aim to better understand community preparedness, information and evacuation.
If you are over 18 and have been impacted by any of these events, we invite you to complete the survey relevant to you online. Please share the link with any people who may be interested. This survey has received formal ethics approval, and as ‘public good’ research, has not been commissioned by any agency or organisation.
The intent of these surveys is to better inform disaster management decision making and information sharing for future events. The outcomes of both surveys will be publicly available and shared with community, government, emergency services and other disaster management stakeholders.
The project’s Principal Investigator, Dr David King, is happy to address any questions you may have.
Please find contact information below:
Dr David King
Phone: 4781 4430
Email: david.king@jcu.edu.au